Other Conditions
Specialty eye care for all retinal conditions
Vision loss due to retinal disease has many causes.
Using a personalised and caring approach, we strive to provide the highest standards of diagnostic accuracy and management expertise in caring for all patients and their retinal conditions.
Retinal vein occlusion
A retinal vein occlusion (RVO) occurs when there is a blockage to the outflow part of our eye's retinal circulation. This eventually results in a lack of oxygen and nutrients supplying the inner retina, leading to vision loss. Common causes for RVO include hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Clotting disorders of the blood may also cause RVO.
Urgent medical attention for this vision threatening condition is important. Treatments may include injections into the eye and retinal laser.
Inherited retinal dystrophies
Our genes play an important role in determining our susceptibility to disease. In the eye, there are thousands of different genetic mutations that can lead to blindness. With the emergence of more detailed eye investigations, coupled with improved access to effective gene testing, we are now able to better understand how a particular person’s genes contribute to their retinal disease.
Our expanding knowledge of genomics has also enabled new novel treatments for inherited retinal dystrophies, such as retinal gene therapy, to be developed. These have the potential to halt vision loss.
Inflammatory eye conditions
Eye pain, photosensitivity, increased floaters and vision loss can be symptoms of inflammatory eye conditions, often termed 'uveitis'. This is when the middle layer of the eye, including the iris, ciliary body and choroid, is affected by inflammation.
As well as treating the inflamed eye itself, patients with uveitis may also need additional input from other specialist physicians, such as a rheumatologist, immunologist or infectious diseases specialist. We will arrange this for you, or liaise with your General Practitioner to discuss the best action plan for your continued care.
Central serous chorioretinopathy
Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) occurs when fluid accumulates beneath the retina. When this involves the macular region, people often experience blurring and distortion of their central vision. CSCR may affect both men and women, and typically manifests in those aged between 20-60 years. CSCR has been linked to excessive anxiety or stress, as well as the use of steroid medications, including common nasal sprays and steroid skin creams.
CSCR resolves spontaneously in 90% of people, often over a 3-6 month period. However, for those who have persisting macular fluid and visual decline beyond three months, treatment may be considered. One of the most successful current treatments for CSCR is photodynamic therapy (PDT), which is undertaken in the clinic.
Eye specialists in Brisbane
Comprehensive care for the whole eye